Fall Burlap Wreath Winner and More Good News!

Thanks to everyone who entered the Fall Burlap Wreath Giveaway. I am so overwhelmed with your kind comments and support for my little burlap creation, so much so that I have some good news.

First let me announce the winner:   It was Tamara who said  " I love it!"  I will be touching base with you this week to get your mailing details. Congratulations!

Now for the good news. Because of your kindness and interest in this wreath , I have decided that the wreath will not go into retirement quite yet. During the week of November 12th, I am going to have another giveaway for the Christmas version of my wreath. Please check facebook or back here on my blog for details. If you can't wait till then, these wreaths are available in the Top This Top That Shop here
Thanks again for participating in this giveaway.

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