Wallpapers of love poems

Wallpapers of love poems biography.

I love my readers and I value their comments and opinions.

So feel free to express what you feel after reading my poems.

I will be happy, if the soft swing of my wings made any waves in your heart.

I am a Lawyer by profession. Also an artist. Selected as the Advisor to International Artist Advisory Board by Artslant, USA. For details and news please search C.N.Premkumar in the net or copy and paste the link below-

http: //www.artslant.com/global/artists/show/46073-cn-premkumar

I express my gratitude to Olga Everaert, my Canadian friend who is an artist and art lover, for editing my poems.

Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems
Wallpapers of love poems

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