The Best of Cedar Fort #BIR2012

Cedar Fort’s Vision
We want to publish uplifting and edifying books that help people think about what is important in life, books people enjoy reading to relax and feel better about themselves, and books to help improve lives. Whether or not a book is written specifically to the LDS market, all of our books should be suitable and uplifting for any group. Our authors believe, as do we, that books should inspire readers to be better people, and we strive to always publish books that are in harmony with that spirit.

Cedar Fort publishes a mix of mainstream & LDS titles.  They are another publisher whose book I love to promote because I know there will never be any questionable content in any of them.

If you are a blogger who likes to promote family friendly books you should check out Cedar Fort's blog tour page.  They are always adding great new books to their tour line up.

Today I'll be featuring the following books which represent the Best of 2012 mainstream releases from Cedar Fort.

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