ferrari F430 Tuneco Car pictures


Country Of Origin Germany
Year Of Introduction 2008
Base Price When New N.A
Miles Per Gallon N.A
Body Type 2 Door Coupe
Curb Weight N.A
Powertrain Layout Mid Engine / RWD
Transmission 6-Speed manual


Configuration V8
Displacement N.A
Power 707 hp @ 8,350 rpm
Torque 525 lb.-ft @ 6,300 rpm
BHP / Liter N.A
BHP / Weight N.A
Redline 6,500 rpm


Top Speed 216 mph
0 - 62 mph 3.5 sec
0 - 100 mph N.A
0 - 250 mile N.A
Skidpad N.A
Braking, 62-0 mph N.A
Slalom Speed N.A

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