Writing Quality and Original Content For SEO

I got an idea to write this article because of Suraj Vibhute. Before this article I sent him an another article on SEO to publish on this blog as a guest post but the article was rejected as the article was already published on my blog. The words “There is no use to publish it again as Google has already indexed it” in the email which suraj sent me gained my attention. At that point I decided to write this article on how to write quality and original content for SEO.

These are some simple tips which should be followed while writing content on your website or blog:

Google likes websites with quality content. Content of the website/blog plays a crucial role in search engine optimization. Google don’t like copycats. Google bot or crawler knows everything. It knows whether the content is original or copied. So first rule, never copy the contents from some other websites.
You should write the contents yourself. This doesn’t mean you have to make your inventions and write about it. It means write in your own words. Research on your topic and make sure you know as much as possible about it. This will help you to communicate with your readers effectively and confidently.

Plan your content properly. Keep in mind which information you want to cover and decide how you will begin and end your content. Give links to some of the articles previously written on your website for some keywords.

After completing your article, read the article and proof read spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and for where improvements can be made.

As you are writing your original content, you also need to protect it from copycats. Use various methods to avoid your content getting copied. Copyscape.com is a website where you can search for copies of your page on the web. You can also disable text selection and right click on your website to avoid your content getting copied .

The quality and originality of content is of great significance. Take my words, Google will surely like your website or blog if you follow this tips. And my last words “Quality always Triumphs.”

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