Somewhere Over the Rainbow There's a Winner

I did'nt find a pot of gold 
in this beautiful rainbow
but what I did find
 is a winner
 for a very sought after Bunny in a Burlap Wreath

Congrats to Sandra K comment #74
"I'm a new blog follower:) "

Sandra, please email me with your address and I will send your wreath out ASAP. 
Thanks to everyone of  you for entering the giveaway. My bunny feels loved!

PS-The above photos were taken on my property the other day after a passing shower. The size and colors of the rainbow almost made me feel like the rainbow was right there in the front yard and close enough to touch. Incredible to see.

Winner #74 selected by
Random numbers generated Mar 27 2012 at 18:57:47 by  

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