Blogging Without Borders Challenge- Week 1

Today I am excited to kick off the Blogging Without Borders Challenge.
 This progressive project challenge will stretch my limits and include some things that I have never done before. I will share my project updates with you every other Monday during the next 8 weeks. I will include a button in my sidebar with all of my updates. This should be a lot of fun and I hope you will follow along!
Before I share my challenge, I wanted to introduce the other amazing bloggers who are participating along with me. Their links will be at the bottom of this post so you can check out what they will be working on.
The project that I have choosen for this challenge is my Home Theater. 

This is such a great space and a treat for our family and friends to sit and enjoy a show on the big screen. When I first designed this space, I wanted it to feel just like we were in the local AMC movie theater. The only difference between them is, I don't have popcorn on the floor and days old spilled drinks on the seat, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get in!
Over time though, I realized that I didn't need the dark black walls ( they show everything) heavy curtains trimmed in gold fringe and red trim on the woodwork to achieve a perfect Home Theater.
So what do I need? Where do I start? What do I do?
Seeing that I don't focus on home theaters much, well not at all, I have met my challenge. Now I need to figure out what I want this space to look like and how I need to achieve it. I need to start searching Pinterest and other sources for some inspiration and if you have any ideas I would love to hear them.
Wish me luck!

Here's the links to the other bloggers participating in this challenge

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