My Fall Table

I wonder what the dinner conversation around my table will be like this Fall?
 Perhaps my guests will comment on my old picture turned chalkboard on the wall ushering in the Fall Season?
 Or maybe they will want to know if I harvested and picked the wheat that's used in the place setting?

Oh I know, they will probably want to know where I got those gold chargers that I put out, and comment on how well they work with the traditional fall colors of orange, yellow and green. 

 Wait it a minute, I bet it's going to be about my Burlap Cornucopia that sits in the middle of the table. 
 They might even fall out of their chairs and on to the floor when I tell them it was made with a tomato cage!

And I imagine my real nosy guests ( the same one's that fell to the floor) will want to know how much I paid for my Pier One plates that sit on top of the chargers.
 Enjoy your meal and the conversation.
PS- After dinner you can click here to see how I constructed the cornucopia.

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The Lettered Cottage

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