Candice Swanepoel hot photoshoot in bikini

Candice Swanepoel is a South African model best known for her work with Victoria’s Secret. In 2012, she came in 10th on the Forbes top-earning models list in bikini.The two-minute video sees models Candice Swanepoel, Lindsay Ellingson, Barbara Palvin, Lais Ribeiro, Sara Sampaio, Karlie Kloss.Follow Candice Swanepoel. Full name. Email  This is the official Candice Swanepoel twitter feed. New York, NY ·


Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 01 e1359624441866 560x708 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 01 e1359624441866 560x708 001 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 05 560x859 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 07 560x856 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 10 560x786 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 11 560x747 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 12 560x851 Candice Swanepoel 2013 VS Bikini 21 560x940

Candice Swanepoel hot photoshoot in bikini

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