#1,186 Who's Walking Who? @ Automotive World

"Who's walking who?"

At least 3 people will yell this question to me from their car windows and front porches each morning between 8 and 9 am.

This is how Baker drags me to the studio as if I were a sled and his mission is to mush:

That would be easy.  This is how we actually do it every single day, with Chevy backing him up with some extra horsepower:
That's me back there, trying not to fall down while running like Flo Jo and doing the Truffle Shuffle on mildewed sidewalks.

They used to take it slow and easy, trotting beside me. Then once I run a little faster, they do too. And the next time we go for a walk, our calm and mild mannered dogs only recall SPRINT mode. Which isn't my mode. Baker now weighs almost 140 lbs. and Chevy is 85 lbs., and together they can do whatever they please. So I did some Googling and heard about the Easy Walk harness. And I went directly to PetSense after our walk and spent $50 getting these things that will supposedly make walking less like the Indy 500.

We'll see how that goes.

Help me, Jesus.

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