Link Round-Up: March 7, 2013 @ Automotive World

Photographed by James Balston

Lego Bombing and the Art of Infrastructure: "Oftentimes the displays are little more than attempts at drawing the eye or conveying a message. Sometimes, though, the two combine to great effect, pointing out glaring, gaping holes in the world around us. In the case of Lego Bombing, as it has become known, those holes -- and therefore, that art -- crop up in our crumbling infrastructure. The colorful plastic blocks are being snapped into walls, streets, and buildings all over the world courtesy of Dispatchwork."

NYC Past Large-format historical photos of New York City. 

Unstable Matter - Spring Field - Orbita - and more kinetic art from Grönlund and Nisunen.  Careful. After watching Anti-Gravity Model I had an overwhelming urge to do the artists' bidding.

When a soap company washes off the glow filter For 10 years a certain manufacturer of soaps has been on a campaign to normalize realistic images of beauty. Rather subversively, they took their message to the graphic artists themselves by masquerading a Photoshop glamour enhancing plugin as a "beauty augmenter;" a trick revert action to the original model, wrinkles, puffiness, true body and all. This begs the question: can we now accept that some corporations may act in the best interest of body image, or is this just good PR?

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