Posters: Future Propaganda @ Automotive World

"My submission to this year's Western Michigan University Faculty Exhibition. Wanted to do something new that showed all the influences that I've been working with in 2009."

"A final poster for 2009, asking an important question of the coming year.

2009 was a great art year for me, many cool things moved forward, and much of that happened right here on DeviantArt. But at the same time, one mustn't become stagnant with creativity. I spent this year adding to my foundation of skills, sharpening my tools and honing my techniques, all the while trying out new and different approaches to ideas in my head. Now I have to move forward, get better, stay hungry and put those skills to work. From my postings here I've gotten many freelance jobs from big companies and clients, and while that's awesome, it just means I need to demand more of myself, and not get lazy or predictable in my creative work.

So yes, I do think it's valid to ask where are the flying cars and jetpacks the "future" promised, but at the same time, if you really want cool things, part of the responsibility for making them happen lies with you. If you wait for the future to happen to you, you'll be waiting a long time. Make 2010 a year to Make New Stuff, no matter what you do or how you work.

Happy holidays, and here's to 2010. The beginning of the future!"

"Well, 2010 has been a great year for me, and I wanted to actually get my butt around and do a holiday card for everyone, and this is what came out. I woke up in a Constructivist type mood this morning, and wanted to share a message of building on the past to move into the future."

"2012 WAKE UP POSTER" by PaulSizer
[Also available as a desktop wallpaper
"A challenge for 2012: Everyone who says that they dream of a better future needs to wake up and start making that future of their dreams. Sitting around and wishing for a better world needs to be replaced with going out and getting your hands dirty and getting stuff accomplished. We've been entitled enough; let's start earning the future we need."

Process to Progress 2013 by Paul Sizer / Website

"My year-ender propaganda poster, this year to address the need to incorporate learning from mistakes, failure and screw-ups into the overall process of progression, in any medium, in any endeavor.

We are often told that we must be perfect right from the start, but the true measure of character is the grace and strength we gain from falling down and getting back up. As long as the amount of times we get up outnumbers the times we fall, that is progress. And sometimes mistakes yield far more interesting outcomes than what we plan. Having that opportunity to allow mistakes and failures to inform and educate us is essential to creative growth."

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