Pride and Prejudice: Happiness Printable @ Automotive World

Dear Goodreads: You need a 'Report' button on your quotes page so that people like me who are obviously book nerds to the extreme can report when quotes submitted are not actually from the book, but the movie instead. And yes, I do have time to worry about these things. 
Probably should be cleaning my house right now.

Yep, That seriously gets on my nerves. But come on, people! "Scars help us know that our past was for real." doesn't even sound like Jane Austen. I don't even know what movie version that must have come from, but I KNOW it's not in Pride and Prejudice. I even searched the text in case I was crazy. Probably should have been doing laundry.

However, let me state that I love me some movie quotes too. "You have bewitched me, body and soul," anyone? And many of them deserve repeating. This one, for example:

"I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve."

I think I needed this quote this week to remind myself of how undeserving I am of the many blessings in my life. We all need that reminder when three of our kids have the stomach flu. ;) So here's a happy little reminder from the Pride and Prejudice film, and you can feel free to use it, print it, whatever :)

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