Catching up from the last couple of weeks:
Currently Reading:
The latest in the Women's Murder Club Series.
Our March Family Book Club:
One of my resolutions this year was to read better books. Books that make me think, that stick with me, and not just piles of mindless fluff that a year later I can't even remember if I read that one before or not. I'm off to a REALLY good start on that resolution this year.
If you are looking for a really good read for next week-end, pick this one. It was a beautiful story, made more interesting by a small mystery. Well written, great characters, even the parts that are predictable are fun to read.
From goodreads:
1961 England. Laurel Nicolson is sixteen years old, dreaming alone in her childhood tree house during a family celebration at their home, Green Acres Farm. She spies a stranger coming up the long road to the farm and then observes her mother, Dorothy, speaking to him. And then she witnesses a crime.
Fifty years later, Laurel is a successful and well-regarded actress, living in London. She returns to Green Acres for Dorothy’s ninetieth birthday and finds herself overwhelmed by memories and questions she has not thought about for decades. She decides to find out the truth about the events of that summer day and lay to rest her own feelings of guilt. One photograph, of her mother and a woman Laurel has never met, called Vivian, is her first clue.
Fifty years later, Laurel is a successful and well-regarded actress, living in London. She returns to Green Acres for Dorothy’s ninetieth birthday and finds herself overwhelmed by memories and questions she has not thought about for decades. She decides to find out the truth about the events of that summer day and lay to rest her own feelings of guilt. One photograph, of her mother and a woman Laurel has never met, called Vivian, is her first clue.
This almost goes with the theme of Lies My Teacher Told Me, although I don't think I ever learned much about Charles Lindbergh in school. I am sure I never learned about his wife, and she has all sorts of records in her own right, as an accomplished pilot.
This was a book I loved and hated at the same time. I wanted Charles Lindbergh to be a hero, and he's really unlikable from this perspective, which appears to be pretty historically accurate from the little bit of research I did. The book doesn't make his wife much more likable either, although that seems to be the point... but it was still a really good read, very interesting! I had no idea Anne (Charles Wife) wrote books, and I would like to read some of what she actually wrote this year.
Loved this. It was one of the best books I have read so far this year. It does have a slight liberal slant, and concentrates a lot on race issues. But the facts are dead on. I downloaded Columbus journals because I could not believe all that he wrote here was true - but it is. This is not dry and boring, it is often shocking. It should be required reading for all history teachers, and most of us homeschool moms too!
This has been on my to read list for a few years, and i am so glad I finally took the time to read it. I could have done without the sex scenes, but in at least they were not pointless (nor too graphic), they fit with the overall story and the adjustments.
Am I trying to be Godly, or am I trying to be God?
This book was SO good, it is one of the very select few that I am likely to reread several times. I'm a control freak. I know it. I don't always like it about myself. This is the description at GoodReads:
Many women are wired to control. You're the ones who make sure the house is clean, the meals are prepared, the beds are made, the children are dressed, and everyone gets to work, school, and other activities on time. But trying to control everything can be exhausting, and it can also cause friction with your friends and family. This humorous, yet thought-provoking book guides you as you discover for yourself the freedom and reward of living a life 'out of control, ' in which you allow God to be seated in the rightful place in your life. Armed with relevant biblical and current examples (both to emulate and to avoid), doable ideas, new thought patterns, and practical tools to implement, Let. It. Go. will gently lead you out of the land of over-control and into a place of quiet trust
I did not expect to like this, but I really enjoyed it. His missionary journeys, and the faith he has had, were amazing and inspiring. It is not dry at all.
This has been on my to read list for a few years, and i am so glad I finally took the time to read it. I could have done without the sex scenes, but in at least they were not pointless (nor too graphic), they fit with the overall story and the adjustments.
Am I trying to be Godly, or am I trying to be God?
This book was SO good, it is one of the very select few that I am likely to reread several times. I'm a control freak. I know it. I don't always like it about myself. This is the description at GoodReads:
Many women are wired to control. You're the ones who make sure the house is clean, the meals are prepared, the beds are made, the children are dressed, and everyone gets to work, school, and other activities on time. But trying to control everything can be exhausting, and it can also cause friction with your friends and family. This humorous, yet thought-provoking book guides you as you discover for yourself the freedom and reward of living a life 'out of control, ' in which you allow God to be seated in the rightful place in your life. Armed with relevant biblical and current examples (both to emulate and to avoid), doable ideas, new thought patterns, and practical tools to implement, Let. It. Go. will gently lead you out of the land of over-control and into a place of quiet trust
I did not expect to like this, but I really enjoyed it. His missionary journeys, and the faith he has had, were amazing and inspiring. It is not dry at all.
One of my favorite book series - but this one was a bit more graphic, and not nearly as enjoyable for me.
Our Family Book Club Choice for February:
I want to love this book, but I don't really. There are some great thoughts in there, but I'd rather just read the few sentences that I really resonate with then read the entire book.
I read the second book first so a lot of this is not new to me, but I am still really enjoying it. I laughed when she talked about all the pointless notes she takes when reading books - that is one of the reaons I love evernote & ebooks - I can copy sections and share to a note in evernote. This book, and the Happier At Home sequel, are probably the two books I have posted more notes to evernote from, ever. She quotes so many authors, lists books, etc.. I have lists of other books to read from reading this book. It's making me rethink resolutions too. Usually my resolutions are more like to do lists, the ones she uses for her Happiness Project are more life principles. I'm seriously considering my own happiness project now.
I finished another couple of chapters in this one this week. I really am enjoying this, if it was an ebook, I would have finished it by now, but since it is a real book that I do not always have with me, or I would need a book light for at bed time.. it is taking me a long time to finish it.
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