Grow Your Marriage by Leaps and Boundaries by Jerry Cook - Interview & Giveaway

Welcome to Author Jerry Cook

Dr. Jerry Cook currently resides in Sacramento, California, with his wife, Sarah, and their three children. Jerry serves as an associate professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Sacramento State, where he teaches and has published on parenting, marriage, family relations, adolescence, and adult development. Jerry and Sarah are the authors of “The Parent’s Guide to Raising CEO Kids.”

If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?
I would travel to the future.  The past is gone, but I would love to see what my children are doing in the future---the families, friends, careers, etc.

If you were a superhero what would your name be?
I'd have to say Batman.  My best friend in high school often called me that, and so there is some preference from that.  I love the idea that a person without superpowers can still be a super hero.  Of course, Bruce Wayne has billions of dollars to help in that quest, but I can always dream!

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
They've changed the name to something I can't remember right now, but it was called "Breyers Girl Scout Samoa Ice Cream.  One of my favorite days was with my wife and one carton of this flavor of ice cream.  Actually, it WAS my favorite date ever.  A lot of fun.

If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?
This is easy.  My Mom died of cancer when I was 14.  It was so difficult and I realize it still has an impact on my life and who I am.  I miss her tremendously.  She was a calm nurturer but one who would call your bluff, and someone who always cheered me on.

One food you would never eat?
I tried liver once, but ask me again and that number will not change.

Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
To learn how to confront challenges in your relationship in a way that you and your spouse will be "on the same side" after that challenge.

Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? 
Yes--I have a copy of "books" ready to go---just no time to get them published right now.  One is another "marriage" book, and the second is a drama/love story I wrote about a single LDS woman---the book is tentatively called "Liz and Zach"---highlighting some themes from the Bible's story of Elizabeth and Zachariah.

What inspired you to want to become a writer?
It may sound cheesy, but I've always wanted to become a writer.  I wrote poems as a child, and won a Young Author award in elementary school.  It's always been on my mind and on my "To Do" list.

Sweet or Salty?
Sweet AND salty!

Gum or Breath Mints?
My good friend told me, "If someone ever offers you either, don't turn them away."  It gave me a good laugh.

Favorite quote from a movie?
"Yo, Adrianne!"

Grow Your Marriage by Leaps & Boundaries
In a marriage, you have to know where to draw the lines.
From financial concerns to physical relations to parenting decisions, there are a host of issues that can either divide spouses or bring them together.  That’s why marriage expert Jerry Cook has prepared this breakthrough approach to marital boundaries that will teach you how to set the kinds of rules that will bring you closer to each other than ever before.

  • How to use boundaries to strengthen your relationship
  • Everyday practices that will fortify your marriage against future problems
  • What you can do for your relationship, even when your spouse is unwilling to change
Encouraging and uplifting, this book is perfect for newly engaged sweethearts and longtime couples alike. It’s guaranteed to improve your relationships with your friends, your family, and especially your spouse!

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1 copy of Grow Your Marriage by Leaps and Boundaries
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Ends 12/26/12

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