Tempestuous by Kim Askew & Amy Helmes - Interview & Giveaway

Welcome to Authors Kim Askew & Amy Helmes

Kim Askew, co-author of Tempestuous: A Twisted Lit Novel, whose work has appeared in Elle and other magazines, is a content manager for the Webby-winning teen site www.FashionClub.com, for which she has covered the Teen Choice and MTV awards. Follow Kim on Twitter @kaskew. 

Amy Helmes, co-author of Tempestuous: A Twisted Lit Novel, is co-author of Boys of a Feather: A Field Guide to American Males and is also a weekly contributor to The Rundown, a free daily e-mail service that keeps subscribers informed on what's new and cool in LA. Follow Amy on Twitter @amyhelmes.

Both Kim and Amy think Shakespeare understood the young's true love and pain like no other, from Hamlet's sorry stepdad to Juliet's trauma drama, hence this literate farce, based on "The Tempest."

For more information please visit http://twistedlitbooks.com and http://www.adamsmedia.com/merit-press-books and follow the authors on Facebook.

(Kim and Amy answered these together.)

If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?
We love science fiction, and we're adventurous, but not so adventurous that we'd want to travel into the unknown future (especially with climate change being what it is). We'd love to travel back to Elizabethan times and see a Shakespeare play performed in the original Globe theatre.

If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you want with you?
Since our first book is inspired by The Tempest, which takes places on a semi-deserted island, we've actually given some thought to this question: A survival handbook, our annotated Shakespeare, and an extra-large tin of Mariage Frères "Thés des Poètes Solitaires" (Tea of Solitary Poets).

Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
Definitely. We're each a combination of three characters: We can be shy and self-deprecating like Exposure's Skye, but we also have a little bit of Miranda from Tempestuous's ability to rally people for fun (and mischief). When Kim's had a bit too much caffeine, she tends toward the effervescent enthusiasm of Miranda's co-worker Ariel.

In your wildest dreams, which author would you love to co-author a book with?
We honestly couldn't dream of having a better co-author than each other. We are the yin to each other's yang, and this adventure would only be half as fun without the other.

Is there a song you could list as the theme song for your book or any of your characters?
The song that we used in our book trailer for Tempestuous fits perfectly. It's "This Night Started Out Like" by an indie band called The Minor Leagues. You can watch the trailer here.

Write a Haiku about your books.
"Tempest" and "Macbeth"
Yanked into modernity.
Shakespeare would approve.

If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose?
Jane Austen for gossip and wit, Casanova for flirting techniques, Queen Elizabeth for girl power, Shakespeare for writing tips, and travel writer and adventurer Patrick Leigh Fermor for advice on how to live fearlessly.

Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Don't trust us; trust the reviewers who've called our series "compulsively readable" and "irresistible!"

What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
Since we blog about book-to-film adaptations over at Romancing the Tome, we're pretty curious about a number of literary films hitting the screen in 2013, among them Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby, which could go very right or very wrong. As for books, we've been waiting for Justin Cronin's The Twelve and are ready to dive back into that saga.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Pretty much any costume drama produced by the BBC. We watch Masterpiece Theater like crazed superfans. Sunday nights on PBS are like the corset-and-carriage lovers' equivalent to Monday Night Football.


After a mistake with big financial consequences topples her throne, former "it girl" Miranda Prospero is bitter: she finds herself stranded in a crazed new world, holding court among geeks and misfits at a mall Hot Dog Kabob stand. Then, she gets her chance for revenge. When the storm of the decade snows in the mall workers and last-minute shopaholics for a long winter's night, Miranda sets out to get back at the catty clique who was behind her exile. But there's a complication. She somehow gets handcuffed to sullen loner Caleb. With him (literally) bound to her side, Miranda learns more in one night about her own heart, and human nature, than she ever did as prep royalty. With this twisted take on Shakespeare's The Tempest, authors Kim Askew and Amy Helmes prove again that, from Juliet's grief to Cordelia's rage, no one knew about teen angst better than the Bard. His wisdom holds up nearly half a millennium later.

Giveaway Details
1 copy of Tempestuous
Print Copy to US & Canada or Ebook Internationally
Ends 12/26/12

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