The Newport Ladies Book Club #BIR2012

About the Series
The Newport Ladies Book Club series is unique in that each Newport book is written from the point of view of a different woman in the book club. The first 4 books cover the same time period and the same book club meetings. But only with reading all 4 books, will you learn the whole story of each of the women and her full character journey. Think of it as a parallel series, not as a forward-moving series.

PAIGE by Annette Lyon

Young, divorced, with two children, Paige must come to terms with her husband’s betrayal, discover who she is as a womanrather than a wife, help her boys adjust to life in a broken home, and decide if love and trust will ever be a part of her future again.

DAISY by Josi S. Kilpack

Since becoming a mother at the age of 17, Daisy has looked forward to the day when she could check "motherhood" off her list of things to do. At the age of 46 everything seems to be right on track, until she suddenly finds herself facing a very different future than she planned on, and an uncomfortable evaluation of the past she thought she understood.

OLIVIA by Julie Wright

Olivia has it all--and does it all--from motherhood, to being the perfect wife, to volunteering at the hospital. But when her marriage is threatened, Olivia must decide if she has the strength, or desire, to save it.

ATHENA by Heather B. Moore

Athena is a self-proclaimed bachelorette—it’s better that way—no one gets hurt. But when tragedy strikes, Athena realizes friendship and love is the only way she can pull through, and she must, for the first time in her life, risk opening her heart.

Josi Kilpack, Annette Lyon, Julie Wright, & Heather Moore

Giveaway Details
Winner's choice of any of these 4 books
Open to US only
Ends 12/31/12

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